Nifty Nursery Rhymes Download Album
Nursery Rhymes Download Album that are Nifty! Kids will enjoy these classic 23 kids nursery rhymes that are sung by children for children. Sing along with Baa Baa Black Sheep and many more favorites.
1. A Sailor Went to Sea
2. A Tisket, A Tasket
3. Brahm’s Lullaby
4. Hot Cross Buns
5. Hush Little Baby
6. I Love Little Pussy
7. Incy Wincy Spider
8. Number One Tickle Your Tum
9. OId King Cole
10. Old Mother Hubbard
11. Oranges and Lemons
12. Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
13. Pop Goes the Weasel
14. Sally Go Round the Sun
15. See-Saw
16. Star Wish
17. The Animals Went in Two By Two
18. The Big Ship Sails On the Alley, Alley O
19. There Were Ten in the Bed
20. Three Little Kittens
21. Wee Willie Winkie
22. Yankee Doodle
23. Baa Baa Black Sheep