Favourites Kids Songs Download Album
Favourites Kids Songs includes 18 of the best kids songs – The Wheels on the Bus, Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Turn Around, Boomps-a-Daisy, Hey Baby Let’s Rock and Roll, Alice the Camel and more!
1. Hello
2. Hokey Tokey
3. Do Your Ears Hang Low?
4. On the Farm
5. The Wheels on the Bus
6. Five Little Speckled Frogs
7. Boomps – a – Daisy
8. Teddy Bear Medley
9. Alice the Camel
10. Jack in the Box
11. The Jolly Ship
12. Five Little Ducks
13. Horse in Striped Pajamas
14. Bumble Bee Medley
15. We’re Going on a Lion Hunt
16. Feelings, Feelings
17. Hey Baby Lets Rock and Roll
18. I Feel Good