Tofa Tafa In The Rain

Birthday Party Songs

Children will love to sing and dance along with this fun action song!

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Tofa Tafa In The Rain Lyrics

I’m singing in the rain.
Just singing in the rain.
What a glorious feeling,
I’m happy again!

Leader: Hang about
Follower: Hang about
Leader: Arms out
Follower: Arms out
Together: Tofa, tafa, tofa, tafa, tofa, tafa
I said Tofa, tafa, tofa, tafa, tofa, tafa


Leader: Hang about
Follower: Hang about
Leader: Arms out
Follower: Arms out
Leader: Thumbs up
Follower: Thumbs up
Together: Tofa, tafa, tofa, tafa, tofa, tafa
I said Tofa, tafa, tofa, tafa, tofa, tafa


- Elbows together
- Knees together
- Bottoms out
- Tongues out!

Tofa Tafa In The Rain Learning Activities


  • Dynamics is the varying levels of loudness or softness. The teacher varies the volume of the song as its playing and children sing along accordingly e.g. when the volume is very soft sing along very softly, when the volume is tuned up loud sing along loudly etc.


  • Ask children to create moves to match the song.

Visual Art

  • Draw a rain picture using a white crayon e.g. rain drops falling, puddles, clouds etc. Then paint over the picture with different coloured dye.


  • Sing and read along to the YouTube song to achieve multi-sensory learning “Do it, see it and hear it!”

Print out the song PDF

  • Read the song lyrics – ask children a variety of questions.
  • Re-read the song lyrics and ask children to join in.
  • Recognise and use a variety of punctuation when reading. “ ” ! ? . ,
  • Look at print and conventions (bold, italics).
  • Talk about interesting/challenging words and discuss what they mean.
  • Word study – phonic knowledge, compound words, rhyming word, contractions etc.
Download printable PDF

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