Boomps A Daisy

Birthday Party Songs

Children will love to sing and dance along with this fun action song!

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Boomps A Daisy Lyrics

Hands, knees and
boomps - a - daisy!
I like a bustle that bends.
Hands, knees and
boomps - a - daisy!
What is a boomp between friends?
La, la, la, la, la!
Hands, knees oh don't be lazy.
Let's make the party a wow!
Now then hands, knees and boomps - a - daisy!
Turn to your partner and bow.


Boomps A Daisy Learning Activities


  • Play 'Boomps A Daisy' and keep the beat (a steady pulse) by slapping knees.


  • Work with a partner and create moves to show the actions of the song.
  • Children view the video song on YouTube and compare the actions with their own ideas.
  • Challenge - play the instrumental version of the song and match the moves.

Social Studies

  • What is a bustle? A bustle is a type of framework used to expand the fullness or support the drapery of the back of a woman's dress, occurring predominantly in the mid-to-late 19th century. Bustles were worn under the skirt in the back, just below the waist, to keep the skirt from dragging.
  • Talk about clothes through the ages.


  • Sing and read along to the YouTube song to achieve multi-sensory learning 'Do it, see it and hear it!'

Print out the song PDF

  • Read the song lyrics - ask children a variety of questions.
  • Re-read the song lyrics and ask children to join in.
  • Recognise and use a variety of punctuation when reading. " " ! ? . ,
  • Look at print and conventions (bold, italics).
  • Talk about interesting/challenging words and discuss what they mean.
  • Word study - phonic knowledge, compound words, rhyming word, contractions etc.
Download printable PDF

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