Transport Songs Download Album
Transport Songs Download Album featuring kids transport songs!
Zoom along with favorite songs about trains, planes automobiles and more! Upbeat, entertaining and educational songs sung by top talented kids. When children sing children learn!
1. The Wheels on the Bus
2. Firemen on Their Way
3. I’ve Been Working on the Railroad
4. Row Row Row Your Boat
5. Transport Song
6. How I Love to Fly
7. Guess Who?
8. What Are You Driving?
9. Wheels Come Alive (Turning Wheels)
10. Friends in a Yellow Submarine
11. Riggedy Jig
12. Transport Rap
13. Travelling to School
14. Train Medley
15. The Wheels on the Tram
16. The Jolly Ship
17. I’m a Little Hunk of Tin
18. I Saw Three Ships
19. The Big Ship Sails on the Alley Alley O
20. Yacht Song
21. Bye Have a Happy Day