Tofa Tafa Reach Up High

Body Songs

Children will love to sing and dance along with this fun popular action song!

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Tofa Tafa Reach Up High Lyrics

I’m gonna reach up high and sing out loud.
I’m gonna jump and clap coz I feel real proud.
Hang about - hang about
Arms out - arms out
Tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa.
I said tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa!

I’m gonna reach up high and sing out loud.
I’m gonna jump and clap coz I feel real proud.
Hang about - hang about
Arms out - arms out
Thumbs up - thumbs up
Tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa.
I said tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa!

I’m gonna reach up high and sing out loud.
I’m gonna jump and clap coz I feel real proud.
Hang about - hang about
Arms out - arms out
Thumbs up - thumbs up
Elbows together - elbows together
Tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa.
I said tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa!

I’m gonna reach up high and sing out loud.
I’m gonna jump and clap coz I feel real proud.
Hang about - hang about
Arms out - arms out
Thumbs up - thumbs up
Elbows together - elbows together
Knees together – knees together
Tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa.
I said tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa!

I’m gonna reach up high and sing out loud.
I’m gonna jump and clap coz I feel real proud.
Hang about - hang about
Arms out - arms out
Thumbs up - thumbs up
Elbows together - elbows together
Knees together – knees together
Bottoms out – bottoms out
Tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa.
I said tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa!

I’m gonna reach up high and sing out loud.
I’m gonna jump and clap coz I feel real proud.
Hang about - hang about
Arms out - arms out
Thumbs up - thumbs up
Elbows together -elbows together
Knees together – knees together
Bottoms out – bottoms out
Tongues out – tongues out
Tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa.
I said tofa tafa tofa tafa tofa tafa!

I’m gonna reach up high and sing out loud.
I’m gonna jump and clap coz I feel real proud.
The end -The end!

Tofa Tafa Reach Up High Learning Activities


  • Chant the rhythm pattern of the words “tofa tafa…” several times. Transfer this rhythm pattern onto bodies by slapping, clapping, stamping etc. and repeat several times.
  • Sing along to the instrumental version either as a group or invite individual children to perform the song.


  • Using different parts of your body (specified by teacher) e.g. your left knee, your right eye children experiment moving. Teacher calls out 5,4,3,2,1 FREEZE.
  • Play the instrumental version of the song and see if you can match the moves.

Visual Art

  • Draw or paint a picture of you doing ‘one of the actions’ in the song.


  • Sing and read along to the YouTube song to achieve multi-sensory learning “Do it, see it and hear it!”
  • In a cut out star write “What I want to reach for.”

Print out the song PDF

  • Read the song lyrics – ask children a variety of questions.
  • Re-read the song lyrics and ask children to join in.
  • Recognise and use a variety of punctuation when reading. “ ” ! ? . ,
  • Look at print and conventions (bold, italics).
  • Talk about interesting/challenging words and discuss what they mean.
  • Word study – phonic knowledge, compound words, rhyming word, contractions etc.

Other Tofa Tafa Reach Up High Videos


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