Transport Song

Baby Songs

Sing and Learn the Actions!

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Transport Song Lyrics

Oh I’m driving in my Brush Runabout toot, toot!
Oh I’m driving in my Brush Runabout toot, toot!
Oh I’m driving in my Brush, driving in my Brush.
Oh I’m driving in my Brush Runabout toot, toot!

Singing aye aye yippee yippee aye, yee ha!
Singing aye aye yippee yippee aye,
singing aye aye yippee yippee aye, aye yippee yippee
aye aye yippee yippee aye, yee ha!

Oh I’m riding on my Harley motorbike brmm, brmm!
Oh I’m riding on my Harley motorbike brmm, brmm!
Oh I’m riding on my bike, I’m riding on my bike.
Oh I’m riding on my Harley motorbike brmm, brmm!

Singing aye aye yippee yippee aye, yee ha!
Singing aye aye yippee yippee aye,
singing aye aye yippee yippee aye, aye yippee yippee
aye aye yippee yippee aye, yee ha!

Oh I’m flying in my private areoplane, nyow, nyow!
Oh I’m flying in my private areoplane, nyow, nyow!
Oh I’m flying in my plane, I’m flying in my plane.
Oh I’m flying in my private areoplane, nnyow, nyow!

Singing aye aye yippee yippee aye, yee ha!
Singing aye aye yippee yippee aye,
singing aye aye yippee yippee aye, aye yippee yippee
aye aye yippee yippee aye, yee ha!
Yee Ha!

Transport Song Learning Activities


  • Divide children into 3 groups, one group can play an untuned percussion instrument e.g. tambourine or rhythm sticks. One group can play body percussion e.g. slap thighs or claps hands and one group can play a found sounds e.g. use a ruler or pencil to tap on the floor.
  • Each group plays a verse. Everybody plays together in the chorus.


  • What is a Brush Runabout? Find out some facts and check out the images.

Visual Art

  • Draw or paint a picture of your own Brush Runabout.


  • Find your own space in the room. Discuss how everyone has their ‘own space bubble’ and not to pop anyone else’s which will make children aware of their own space. Do the appropriate actions for each verse e.g. driving a car, riding a bike, flying a plane and for the chorus skip and do a lasso action.


  • Sing and read along to the YouTube song to achieve multi-sensory learning “Do it, see it and hear it!”

Print out the song PDF

  • Read the song lyrics – ask children a variety of questions.
  • Re-read the song lyrics and ask children to join in.
  • Recognise and use a variety of punctuation when reading. “ ” ! ? . ,
  • Look at print and conventions (bold, italics).
  • Talk about interesting/challenging words and discuss what they mean.
  • Word study – phonic knowledge, compound words, rhyming word, contractions etc.
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