One Two Three Four Five Once I Caught A Fish Alive

Bedtime Songs

YouTube play button for Kids Songs, Nursery Rhymes and Lyric Song Video

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One Two Three Four Five Once I Caught A Fish Alive Lyrics

One, two, three, four, five,
once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right!

One Two Three Four Five Once I Caught A Fish Alive Learning Activities


  • "Class orchestra" Listen to the song. Each child chooses an instrument or a body percussion sound (clapping hands, slapping thighs etc.) Let the orchestra play!
  • Play different parts of the song - divide the orchestra into groups and play allocated parts E.g. one group plays along with the counting numbers and the other group plays along with the rest of the lyrics.


  • Use 10 buttons or bottle tops. Ask children to create even groups using the buttons or bottle tops e.g. 2 groups of 5 or 5 groups of 2. Talk about even and odd numbers.

Visual Art

  • Place your hands in a shallow tray of paint and stamp your hands onto paper or thin card board.


  • Sing and read along to the YouTube song to achieve multi-sensory learning "Do it, see it and hear it!"

Print out the song PDF

  • Read the song lyrics - ask children a variety of questions.
  • Re-read the song lyrics and ask children to join in.
  • Recognise and use a variety of punctuation when reading. " " ! ? . ,
  • Look at print and conventions (bold, italics).
  • Talk about interesting/challenging words and discuss what they mean.
  • Word study - phonic knowledge, compound words, rhyming word, contractions etc.
Download printable PDF

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