Jelly Beans Colour Song

Baby Songs

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The fun and easy way to learn colours! Children will love to sing and dance along with this fun colour song.

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Jelly Beans Colour Song Lyrics

Jelly beans, jelly beans,
many colours bright.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!
Jelly beans, jelly beans,
are my hearts delight.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!

I like a green jelly bean
and an orange jelly bean.
A purple, blue, red and a
yellow jelly bean.
Jelly beans, jelly beans
many colours bright.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum!

Repeat song

Jelly Beans Colour Song Learning Activities


  • "Colour Band" Select a percussion instrument, found sound, or body percussion to play for a particular colour e.g. green - bang shoes together; orange - slap knees; purple - drum or tap the floor; blue - maracas or home-made shaker; red- click fingers; yellow - stamp feet. Play the song and let each colour group play when they hear their colour only.
  • Add a "yum, yum, yum, yum, yum" group e.g. pat their tummies when they hear their part.
  • Play along to the video song of Jelly Beans.

Visual Art

  • Using the colors from the Jelly Bean song - create very own jelly bean. All children draw, color and cut up their favorite color jelly bean. Play the song and get the children to hold up the correct jelly bean as the song is sung.


  • Create a "jumping jellybeans" dance!
  • Dance along to the instrumental version.


  • Healthy eating - discuss eating sweets in moderation.


  • Sing and read along to the YouTube song to achieve multi-sensory learning "Do it, see it and hear it!"

Print out the song PDF

  • Read the song lyrics - ask children a variety of questions.
  • Re-read the song lyrics and ask children to join in.
  • Recognise and use a variety of punctuation when reading. " " ! ? . ,
  • Look at print and conventions (bold, italics).
  • Talk about interesting/challenging words and discuss what they mean.
  • Word study - phonic knowledge, compound words, rhyming word, contractions etc.
Download printable PDF

Other Jelly Beans Colour Song Videos

YouTube play button for Kids Songs, Nursery Rhymes and Lyric Song Video

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